Road Trip!

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1.Philly to Duluth, Minnesota with canoe and dog, via I-80 west to Chicago, then north through Wisconsin to Superior and Duluth to Highway 61.

2.Rendezvous with Spirit of the Redtail for a week of portage camping in the wilderness of Boundary Waters Canoe Area in and around Brule Lake

3. Return to Philly via Thunder Bay, Ontario and Trans Canadian Highway 17, for a complete circumnavigation of all five Great Lakes!

Two 1500 mile drives separated by a week in the wilderness. This will be my fourth trip to Boundary Waters, but I have always returned the same way I get there, which is a mostly hypnotic and uninteresting drive on Interstate 80, with the exception of Wisconsin, which is a beautiful state to drive across. This is the first time I will return by way of Canada and the northern coasts of Lakes Superior, Huron, and Ontario.

Lot's of film in the camera bag!!


paula said...

i've been up there...i've camped up there but not canoed. HAVE A BLAST and take lots of pictures ;)

Christopher Paquette said...

Thanks Paula! I'm really looking forward to it!