I am currently working on the Tao Project... a photography project based on the Tao te Ching ... and it will be an attempt to interpret the 81 chapters of the Tao through photography.A thoughtful and meditative interpretation through the eye of the camera lens.The project is to be a pure collaboration between artists who share a similar spiritual connection to the earth, the water, the skies, and all living beings. As of today, over 100 photographers from all over the world are participating in the project. At this point we are in the very early stages of collecting a body of work, and I am gradually selecting one photograph for each of the 81 chapters and then posting the chapters one at a time on wabi blogi. I am trying to post one chapter a day. The initial selections of photographs that I am posting with each chapter is a temporary selection made solely by me. Eventually I will form a team of jurors from among the most active participating photographers and a few random experts who will decide by consensus on the final photos that best interpret each of the 81 chapters.

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