I have collected pieces of driftwood for a few years now, mostly from walks on the beach or pieces I find while paddling in my canoe. This is a piece I found on an island in the middle of the St. Lawrence River a few weeks ago. It has been staring at me ever since just begging to be made into a formal piece of sculpture. The base is out of the Atlantic Ocean, and the dowel is a branch from my back yard Cherry tree.
Nice! :-)
so glad I went out to the island!
OMG! I love this ... I kept thinking as I looked at this the title should be "Body in Wood".
That you discovered it on the trip - and have added elements of home - and the ocean really "ground" it in your life.
If you can't tell, I <3 it.
word verification chalize - v. "to take your life and distill it a vessel.
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