Here are the results to date for the survey posted yesterday on the subject of photo competitions and juried exhibitions. From the stats I get through the survey provider, I'm told that about 350 people have viewed the survey, while a little less than 60 actually voted on the questions. My guess is that people are a bit reluctant to participate in these types of online surveys. Or they thought the questions weren't worth answering. Could be any number of reasons. Thanks to all those who did participate. It is fun and interesting to see the results. Not sure if anything definitive can be seen from the answers. There was a surprisingly even spread across the board on voting, with the exception of the question about deadline extensions. People seem to clearly dislike them. I admit the wording of my question was somewhat biased, but only five people voted no in response to whether or not deadline extensions were a scam. It is also pretty clear that the vast majority of people are using competitions as a way to market themselves and gain exposure.
I would love to get many more participants in this survey. Voting will remain open indefinitely, so you can still participate if you haven't already done so. Please continue to share the link to the survey with your networks. I'll update with new results periodically. The link is at the bottom of this post. Thanks again, and here are the results...
How many photo competitions or juried shows do you enter each year?
- Never 10 votes
- 1 or 2 20 votes
- Between 3 to 5 19 votes
- 6 or more 8 votes
How many competitions do you enter each year? |
What is the primary reason that you enter photo competitions or juried shows?
- The prize money or awards offered 6 votes
- To build my resume 9 votes
- As a marketing/exposure enhancer 29 votes
- I'm a masochist 8 votes
- Other 2 votes
Why do you enter? |
How do you react to a competition deadline?
- I submit as early as possible 29 votes
- I almost always submit on the last day 20 votes
- Pray for the extension 1 vote
How do you react to deadlines? |
Are deadline extensions a scam?
- yes 39 votes
- no 5 votes
- more than likely 13 votes
Are deadline extensions a scam |
What is your breaking point for entry fees?
- I only enter free submissions 12 votes
- $15 1 vote
- $25 13 votes
- $35 16 votes
- $50 11 votes
- I've paid more than $50 3 votes
What is your breaking point for entry fees? |
Take the survey here