But his portraits of Obama's People , part of a special inauguration issue of the New York Times Magazine for January 18, 2009... there is something really odd about these images as they appear in the magazine. Odd as in most of these people look like they are suffering from jaundice. There is just the strangest skin tone in most of these images, and I'm wondering if this is intentional (?). The photographs do look better to me on the New York Times web site gallery, so maybe it is just a poor reproduction job by the magazine.

I think I'm just getting tired of this style of portaiture, especially photographs like the one of Communications Director Ellen Moran. (lower left, above). The zombie like, expressionless face that seems to be in so many art portraits the past few years. Ugh. We voted for change.... this is just more of the same old, same old. (artistically speaking)
Nadav Kander
Obama's People Gallery

Jaundice Information
hahah! I'm not sure there are enough portajohns to go around in DC these days. Maybe they're all just...holding it.
I was totally underwhelmed by the portraits. And it's the first time I've looked at Kandor's work in more than a passing way, so the project will no doubt color my viewpoint of other things he does.
I just wonder how someone with the budget he had could produce pictures that someone's Aunt Betty could have taken with a P/S. "It's not the boat, it's the driver."
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