The Year in Review.....2007It is December 1st, and I am writing my year in review because my Photography year is over. I’m wiped out and need a short break. I have busted my ass this past year, and worked harder on my Photography than just about anything I have ever worked on.
I just submitted two framed photos to the last juried show of the year, and there is nothing else left on the photography to-do list. I am also having surgery in two weeks, so there will be little going on for the rest of this month. Therefore, the Photo year is finished, and it is time to reflect and analyze.
My goal for
2007 was simple.
I wanted to have something exhibited. I had a very loose definition of what
exhibited meant, but unless my work is accepted into the juried show I entered today, I will not accomplish my goal.
While disappointed, I am very satisfied with my efforts and the things that were accomplished this past year. I started thinking about everything I did in
2007 and it is amazing…..
1.I started the year off at the
Mummer’s Parade, and had one of my photos published on the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Blog…
Blinq 2.I followed my son’s
Wrestling team throughout their season, taking hundred’s of photograph’s at every match, created a blog for the team, and produced a slideshow set to music for the team’s year end banquet.
3.Did four more
Nude shoots, one high key, one in an abandoned farmhouse, one in a motel room, and one outside in sub-freezing weather.
4. Drove at least three thousand miles on Photo
road trips…
· Lancaster County
· Complete length of Route 6 from Scranton to Erie
· Drove the back roads all the way to Pittsburg
· Chincoteague, Virginia
· North Carolina
5. Went to
New York City three times for Photo shows and saw at least 15 different photography exhibits, including Zoe Strauss, Steven Shore, Robert Capa, Andre Kertesz…
Submitted work to:
· The Sun Magazine
· JPG Magazine
· Aperture Photography Competition
· Hey, Hot Shot! Competition
· New York Institute of Photography Competition
· f-stop Magazine Competition
· Curatorial Review at Abington Art Center
· Suntory What is Zen? Competition
· Project Basho Juried Competition
· Abington Art Center Juried Art Show
7. Began doing some photography related
· Had a Polaroid story published in
JPG Magazine (issue 12)
· Had two articles published on
Fallon & Rosof’s Artblog· Started my own Photo/Literary blog….
Wabiblogi8. Had some photos published on
· Flak Photo of the day
· Metroblogging Philadelphia
· Blinq (Philadelphia Inquirer)
· Qarrtsilini
· Schmap
9. Spent an
enormous amount of
money on Polaroid film, photography Books,vintage cameras,custom framing, photoshop classes, seminars, etc etc. etc.
10. Cared enough to keep track of everything I did, and I’m so glad I did that, because after the umpteenth rejection or non-response from a photo competition, it is really easy to feel like a failure. This list proves that I worked very hard and accomplished many things this year. It was a
very good year.