Barcelona based photographer Miquel Galceran recently submitted images from his series Inèrcies. I immediately liked the subtlety of these photographs. Translating the series title from Catalan to English I discovered it means Inertia. Ah, yes. I could see it as well as feel it. I almost could have known the meaning directly from the images before learning the translation. The inertia is soft and flowing with gentle movement. I asked Miquel to follow up with some thoughts about the series...
"I started this project about 2 years ago, coinciding with my last course at the University of Barcelona. During this time, besides relating to some different authors, more theoretical aspects of photography have aroused my interest, and all these things have been affecting my way of seeing."
Miquel Galceran, Inèrcies |
"My work has an important autobiographical component, but not documentary. I'm not interested in explaining things with photography, for me, it's a tool to develop my feelings, and overall, in this case, to transform my thoughts, so I'm moving myself around or close to the suggestive. I think the verbal language tends to structure our mind in overly specific meanings. So, I don't want to do that with images. I suppose it's a base problem, words tend to repeat the same idea, filtering and immobilizing them again and again. However, there is a narrative."
Miquel Galceran, Inèrcies |
"What Inèrcies introduces is a kind of journey through a closed space, the space of a representation. So, it introduces and represents itself, as a group of decisions that our own reality dresses up, punctually or permanently. This flattens to understand, turns it necessarily to an object. In fact, the work is very rigid in itself. Maybe because it comes from the rejection of time, therefore it rejects the possibility and the wish."
Miquel Galceran, Inèrcies |
"Deep down, all these things have been pushing me to explore metalanguage, which in photography is something like talking about the invisible from the visible. And from there, be able to start drawing things beyond. Of course, I don't want to overload the reader with responsibility I want to play with insinuation. In that sense, one of my best biggest influences is David Jimenez."
Miquel Galceran, Inèrcies |
"I think that is where I am right now, I suppose it has arisen in a natural way. It's something more free, confident and flexible, because it assumes my own doubt and indecision. Because I want to continue discovering things, I need to delete others. At the end of the day, it's about playing with that fragment you make visible and the rest which it hides. I try to notice all those less conscious things in my day to day life. So, I suppose what pushes me to take photographs, is the eagerness to ask myself questions. But, this has nothing to do with conceptual art. I simply stay within the abstract, because it's there where all these images are born."
Miquel Galceran, Inèrcies |
To see more from Miquel Galceran...